About Department:
It includes the following disciplines:
- Qiraat (Quran Readings)
- Tafseer (interpretation) and Quranic Sciences.
- Hadith and its Sciences.
- Aqeedah (Islamic Creed)
Qiraat and Quran Sciences
It includes the following disciplines:
1. To preserve of the Holy Quran readings from tahreef (distortion) and alterations by preserving
its various readings.
2. To enable students to memorize Quran readings Mutoon (basic texts of Quran readings science)
of Shatibiyyah and Ad-Dura.
3. Mastering the ten Qiraat (readings) of the Quran.
4. To enable students to distinguish between Mutawatir (transmitted by many) al-
shaz (irregularity of transmission) in Quran readings.
The department awards Bachelor degree in four years.