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Vision, Mission and Objectives


  • The School of Languages seeks to disseminate and authenticate foreign languages teaching and learning.
  • To develop qualified graduates in these languages.
  • To benefit from these languages in the field of Da’wah, scientific research and community service


The mission of the School of Languages is an integral part of the University mission which is represented in teaching foreign languages ​​and their literature for the purpose of disseminating teachings of Islam and preparation of graduates who would contribute to disseminating knowledge and Islamic awareness in and outside Sudan.


  • To develop qualified graduates in a number of foreign languages.
  • To meet the needs of ministries, institutions and community by producing fully equipped translators.
  • To provide intensive scientific knowledge in foreign languages disciplines in a way that would produce qualified graduates to work in teaching, translation, scientific research, and Da’wah fields.
  • To provide students with up- to- date knowledge of research methodologies in foreign languages disciplines.
  • To prepare qualified graduates in six languages ​​(two European languages, two Asian languages, and two African languages).
  • To produce qualified graduates in  ​English, French, and Turkish languages at the first stage. The School’s future plan includes Chinese Language, Swahili Language and Hausa Language programs.