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About College


The nucleus which constituted the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences was the Department of Economics which was established in 1991 at the Faculty of Sharia. It was separated in 1999 and became one of the departments of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. In 2008, the Faculty of Social Sciences was established with two departments: the Department of Sociology and the Department of History and Civilization.

 In May 2011, the Faculty of Social Sciences was replaced by the establishment of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, and the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences.

The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences is comprised of the Department of Economics and the two new departments:

1. Department of Sociology.

2. Department of History and Civilization.

The Faculty also offers:

-  Qualifying-year program for MA in Economics.

- Three year-Intermediate Banking Diploma program.

Faculty Location:

The Faculty is located in the city of Omdurman, and is divided into two centers:

1. The Female-Student Center is located north of Abd AlQayum Gate in Omdurman.

2. The Male-Student Center is located in the university campus in Al Thawra north of Omdurman Park.

Each of the two centers is comprised of the same departments and offers programs on the same disciplines.